Decompressive craniectomy

Decompressive craniectomy

A decompressive craniectomy is a neurosurgical procedure in which a section of the skull is removed. When the swelling of the brain (known as cerebral edema) due to severe brain injury, infection, brain tumors and/or stroke is not controlled by medicines, then decompressive craniectomy come into the picture. This surgery is commonly done in some cases of severe traumatic brain injury and in large acute strokes, to allow the brain to swell outward. Thus protecting the rest of the brain from compression. This is a life saving surgery.

An incision first made in the scalp large enough to removed the requires size of the bone. Then a predetermined size of the skull bone is removed using a special saw(craniotome). This allows the brain swelling to be accomodated and releases the pressure on the brain. The removed bone is set aside and stored, to be replaced at a later date.


  • 186 0208 0208

  • +91 8884415615 | +91 8884458890

  • gcugati[@]

  • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital.
    CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur, Ring Road,
    Mysore – 570019

Brain Surgeries