Spinal Dysraphism

Spinal Dysraphism

Spinal dysraphism hosts a set of disorders which arise due to non-fusion of spine during the intra uterine development of the spine (congenital)

Types Characteristics Symptoms Treatment
Myelomeningocele The spinal cord, spinal nerves and the coverings, pouch out of the body in a sac Hydrocephalus, lower limb sensory loss, weakness, deformity, bowel bladder incontinence Surgical repair during the first few days of life
Spina bifida occulta Only a minor defect in one or more vertebrae. Rarely backache Medicines
Split cord malformation The spinal cord is split into two cord by a fibrous or a bony septum Scoliosis, tethered cord, rarely – lower limb sensory loss, weakness, deformity, bowel bladder incontinence Surgery – decompression, repair and detethering
Spinal cord lipoma An abnormal amount of fat attaches the spinal cord, nerves or the membrane to the out of spinal column. Tethered cord, rarely – lower limb sensory loss, weakness, bowel bladder incontinence Surgery – Freeing the spinal cord/nerves from the lipoma
Dermal Sinus A tract of skin passing from the surface of the body upto the spinal cord (Most of the times) and often associated with benign tumours. Mostly asymptomatic, sometimes, tethered cord, infection Surgery – to remove the tract and  untether the spinal cord.
Spinal tumours and cysts They include lipoma, dermoid and epidermoid cysts Depending on the location of tumour, upper limbs/ lower limbs – sensory loss, weakness, bowel bladder incontinence Surgery – Microsurgical tumour excision
Tethered Cord The spinal cord is attached at the base and is unable to move freely and as the patient catches up with growth there is stretch in the spinal cord resulting in neurological deficits Include leg weakness, sensory loss, deformities, low back and leg pain, and bowel or bladder incontinence Surgery – Detethering of the tethered cord is required


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  • +91 8884415615 | +91 8884458890

  • gouthamcugati@gmail.com
  • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital.
    CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur, Ring Road,
    Mysore – 570019