
Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love for humanity

  1. Cugati G, Jain PK, Pande A, Symss NP, Ramamurthi R, Vasudevan MC. Malignant course of a metastatic melanoma during pregnancy – a case report– World J Oncol. 2011; 2(2): 79-82.
  2. Cugati G, Singh M, Symss NP, Pande A, Chakravarthy VM, Ramamurthi R. Extra-axial cerebello pontine angle medulloblastoma: A rare site of tumor. Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2011;32:123-4.
  3. Cugati G, Pande A, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R Hand Schullers Christian Disease –  Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2011;32:183-4.
  4. Cugati G, Singh M, Pande A, Ramamurthi R, Balasubramanyam M, Sethi KS, et al.  Primary spinal Epidural Lymphomas. J  Craniovert Jun Spine 2011; 2:3-11.
  5. Cugati G, Singh M, Symss NP, Pande A, Yasha TC, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R. Primary intrasellar schwannoma. J Clin Neurosci. 2012 Nov;19(11):1584-5.
  6. Cugati G, Jain PK, Pande A, Symss NP, Chakravarthy V, Ramamurthi R. Pediatric multifocal glioblastoma multiforme with fulminant course. J Neurosci Rural Pract 2012;3:174-7.
  7. Cugati G, Singh M, Pande A, Symss NP, Ramamurthi R, Vasudevan MC. Primary spinal intradural lymphoma: a case report – Accepted for publication in Journal of CV J and Spine
  8. Cugati G, Jain PK, Pande A, Symss NP, Ramamurthi R, Vasudevan MC. Aneurysmal bone cyst of the lumbar spine – Accepted for publication in Asian Journal of Neurosurgery.
  9. Cugati G, Singh M, Pande A, Symss NP, Chakravarthy V, Ramamurthi R. Isolated skull base primary Ewing’s sarcoma; An extremely rare location – Accepted for publication in Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics.
  10. Symss NP, Cugati G, Pande A, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R. Extradural with intradural-extramedullary and intramedullary tuberculoma of the spine without bony involvement. Pan Arab J of Neurosurg. 2010; 14(2): 108-11.
  11. Symss NP, Cugati G, Pande A, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R. Intracranial Rosai Dorfman Disease: report of three cases and literature review. Asian Journal of Neurosurg. 2010; 4(2): 19-30.
  12. Singh M, Cugati G, Pande A, Symss NP, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R. Extra-axial adult cerebello-pontine angle medulloblastoma: An extremely rare site of tumour with metastasis. Surg Neurol Int. 2011; 2:25.
  13. Singh M, Cugati G, Singh P, Singh AK. Fingolimod: The first oral drug approved by food and drug administration; A breakthrough in treatment of multiple sclerosis. J Pharm Bioallied Sci. 2011 Jul; 3(3):460-461.
  14. Singh M, Cugati G, Singh P, Singh AK. Bromocriptine or cabergoline induced Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea; A life threatening complication during management of prolactinoma – J Hum Reprod Sci 2011;4:104-5.
  15. Singh M, Cugati G, Singh P, Singh AK. Programmable Morphine Pump (an intrathecal drug delivery system); a promising option for pain relief and palliation in cancer patient. – Indian J Med Paediatr Oncol 2012;33(1):58-9.
  16. Singh M, Cugati G, Singh P, Singh AK. Limited unilateral partial laminectomy & lateral dural incision: one of the best approaches for spinal meningioma in selected cases. Asian Journal of Neurosurg. 2012; 7(1): 46-7.
  17. Kapu R, Symss NP, Cugati G, Pande A, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R. Multiple burr hole surgery as a treatment modality for pediatric moyamoya disease. J pead neurosciences 2010; 5(2): 115-20.
  18. Singh P, Singh M, Cugati G, Singh AK. Bromocriptine or cabergoline induced pituitary apoplexy: Rare but life-threatening catastrophe. J Hum Reprod Sci. 2011 Jan-Apr; 4(1): 59.
  19. Singh P, Singh M, Cugati G, Singh AK. Hyper- prolactinemia: An often missed cause of male infertility – J Hum Reprod Sci 2011;4:102-3.
  20. Singh P, Singh M, Cugati G, Singh AK. Effect of epilepsy on female fertility and reproductive abnormalities. J Hum Reprod Sci 2011;4:100-1.
  21. Balasubramanyam M, Mukherjee B, Cugati G. Orbitotemporal neurofibromatosis – A case reportCase Reports in Ophthalmological Medicine, vol. 2012, Article ID 498186, 3 pages, 2012.
  22. Ambika S, Balasubramanyam M, Cugati G. Sphenoidal mucocele – A case report. Accepted for publication in Journal of neuro-ophthalmology.
  23. Symss NP, Kapu R, Pande A, Vasudevan MC, Ramamurthi R, Cugati G. Complication avoidance in transcallosal transforaminal approach to colloid cysts of the anterior third ventricle. An analysis of 80 cases – Accepted for publication in Asian Journal of Neurosurgery.
  24. Kansal S, Gupta V, Kalra J , Dhasmana DC, Singh M, Cugati G. The Antinociceptive Effects of orally Administered Novel Antiepileptic in rat models of acute and chronic pain.  The antinociceptive effects of orally administered novel antiepileptic in rat models of acute and chronic pain. JARBS. 2012; 4(4): 345-349.
  25. Balasubramanyam M, Sudhir RR, Meenakshmi, Cugati G. Indications of Refractive Surgery in Indian Scenario – the Patients’ Perspective. Accepted for publication in Journal of Refractive Surgery.

Text Book: –

Co-Author of 8 chapters in the Ramamurthi & Tandon’s Text Book of Neurosurgery; Third edition.

Editors:   P N Tandon, Ravi Ramamurthi.


  • Pituitary Apoplexy
  • Giant Invasive Pituitary Adenomas
  • Growth Hormone Secretary Adenomas
  • Scalp and Skull infections
  • Glossopharyngeal and other Cranial Neuralgias
  • Biomechanics of Spine
  • Carotid Cavernous Sinus Fistula
  • Conventional Radiology

Editorial assistantto Ramamurthi & Tandon’s Text Book of Neurosurgery; Third edition.


  • 186 0208 0208

  • +91 8884415615 | +91 8884458890

  • gcugati[@]

  • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital.
    CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur, Ring Road,
    Mysore – 570019


Monday – Firday 8:00 – 5:00
Saturday 9:00 – 5:00
Sunday 11:00 – 4:00