Preparing for a Surgeries

Preparing for a Surgery

General points before undergoing Neurosurgery

Undergoing a surgery on your brain or spine is a stressful condition to the body and mind. The patients need to be mentally and physically fit and have a positive attitude.

The following healthy habits before and after surgery are advisable:

  • Quit smoking
  • Avoid excessive alcohol
  • Avoid self-medication
  • Intake of good nutrition and avoid obesity
  • Avoid mental and physical stress

Precautions regarding routine medications

Most of the patient will be taking regular medications for their chronic illness. Please disclose the entire list of medications during your consultation. Few medications like those prescribed for diabetes, hypertension, hypothyroidism and cardiac medications will need optimisation.

The following list of medications (not exclusive) are prescribed to patients with certain heart conditions, to prevent blood from clotting. They must be stopped prior to surgery. Neurosurgery cannot be performed on patients who are on these drugs, as it increases the risk of uncontrolled bleeding during and after surgery.

Anticoagulants :-

  • Warfarin/acitrom
  • LMX Heparin
  • Rivaroxaban, dabigatran and others

Anti-platelet drugs :-

  • Aspirin
  • Clopidogrel
  • Ticagrelor
  • Prasugrel

Pre operative instructions

Pre operative tests
Set of blood investigations will be performed depending on the surgery and also the medical history of individual patient.
Most of the patients undergoing brain or spine surgery will have to undergo CT/MRI if previously no undergone.

Cross consultation and fitness
If the patient is suffering from any ailment then fitness may be required from the concerned medical or surgical specialist.

Anaesthetic check up
The anaesthetist will examine you, determine your fitness and discuss the anaesthesia procedure and consent will be taken.

Consent for undergoing surgery
The surgical procedure which you are undergoing, he risks, complications and he alternative treatments available and he prognosis will be discussed by your surgeon before the surgery. An informed consent needs to be signed by the patient and his attendant before undergoing surgery.

Hair Care
For surgeries on the brain, part or whole of the head shave may be required which will be performed once hospitalised for surgery. It is advisable to shampoo your hair the day prior to surgery.

Pre –operative medications
Prior to any surgery, Antibiotics and antacids will be given. Kindly mention any allergy to antibiotic medications if any.
Before brain surgery, anticonvulsants (anti-seizure) and steroids are usually given.

Oral feeds
You will be given instructions to be fasting for few hours before surgery, depending on the scheduled time of the surgery
It is advised to strictly adhere to the advice given to you before surgery as any deviation can result in cancelling or delay in your surgery. The above list is not extensive and please feel free to ask any doubts prior to the surgery.


  • 186 0208 0208

  • +91 8884415615 | +91 8884458890

  • gcugati[@]

  • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital.
    CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur, Ring Road,
    Mysore – 570019