Cranio Vertebral Junction Surgeries

Cranio Vertebral Junction Surgeries

The craniovertebral junction (CVJ)—defined as the occiput, atlas, and axis—is a complex area comprising important neural and vascular structures. It represents the transition between the brain and cervical spine. It has the maximum mobility compared to any segment within the spine. The majority of the spine’s rotation, flexion, and extension occur between the occiput, the atlas, and axis.  It’s anatomy, physiological aspects and pathological involvement varies widely. Common problems are developmental anomalies, trauma, inflammation, infective and neoplastic lesion. Management of these problems varies a lot from each other.

Commonly performed surgeries are listed below.

Foramen magnum decompression

Foramen magnum decompression surgery is offered to the patients suffering from Chiari malformation. These patients have a small posterior fossa due to which there is crowding of the structures around the foramen magnum

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Occipitocervical fixation

This surgical procedure aligns and stabilizes the cervical spine to correct instability at the junction of the spine and skull, which can be caused by rheumatoid arthritis, tumors, and spinal trauma.

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Odontoid screw fixation

A type II odontoid fracture is a break that occurs through a specific part of second cervical bone in the neck. In an odontoid fracture, that peg of bone is broken at the base,

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Atlantoaxial stabilisation

Atlanto axial dislocation is loss of stability between the atlas and axis (first and second cervical vertebrae), resulting in loss of normal articulation.

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  • 186 0208 0208

  • +91 8884415615 | +91 8884458890

  • gcugati[@]

  • Narayana Multispecialty Hospital.
    CAH/1, 3rd Phase, Devanur, Ring Road,
    Mysore – 570019

Cranio Vertebral Junction Surgeries